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MJA Updates

The New R&D Tax Incentive: Integrity Measures – It’s A Two-Way Street

May 11, 2018 Kris Gale

In this final “Budget Special” MJA Update, we look at the integrity measures that were announced last Tuesday night. The Government has acknowledged that the majority of taxpayers do the right thing but it contends that some claimants, spread across all industry sectors, have engaged in behaviour such as incorrect self-assessment of eligible R&D activities, exaggerating their expenditure claims, "pushing…

The Proposed Intensity Measure for the Non-Refundable R&D Tax Offset: At The Risk Of Sounding Like A Broken Record…

May 3, 2018 Kris Gale

Recent media reports suggest that next week's Federal Budget will introduce an intensity measure that will restrict access to the Non-Refundable R&D Tax Incentive to those company groups whose R&D intensity (group R&D expenditure divided by group total business expenses) exceeds a certain percentage. The figure mooted is 1%. There is no detail available around the proposal. The Triple F…

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