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Kris Gale

Kris is a leading authority on the R&D Tax Incentive and related government assistance programs in Australia. He has specialised in this field at MJA since 1987 and is responsible for producing most of MJA’s Updates. His experience ranges from assisting companies in mining, software, biotechnology, food and heavy engineering, through to influencing government policy makers and appearing before Senate committees.

Kris is a founding member of the Federal Government’s R&D Tax Incentive National Reference Group (NRG) and the RDTI Roundtable. He has also been involved in several government reviews, most recently, the Board of Taxation review into dual administrative delivery of the RDTI. Kris is a recognised thought leader on R&D incentives, and a sought-after speaker. He has presented to national conferences on both R&D and tax and also published many articles in the media.

Kris holds degrees in Economics (with Honours) and Law from the University of New South Wales.

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