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MJA Journal Archived

R&D Tax Farming Claims: When you can Reap What you Sow

The recent publication of Specific Issue Guidance and a summarised R&D Finding by AusIndustry has placed renewed focus on concerns about…

An R&D Activity is Not A ‘Business As Usual’ Activity Is It?

At the joint AusIdustry/ATO R&D Tax Incentive Workshop conducted in Sydney this June, one of the risk areas associated with…

Software R&D What if the Pretzel is considered an Asset?

In our third and final blog entry on software R&D for now, we will look at the issues surrounding the capitalisation of…

Software R&D Costing The Untwisted Pretzel

R&D in software is no different from the R&D in engineering or product development because the R&D is comprised of…

Software R&D - Untwisting The Pretzel

Since the R&D Tax Concession (the Concession) began in 1985, the eligibility of software R&D has been the subject of…

The R&D Tax Incentive – The Search For A Trusted R&D Tax Agent

Last week, we delineated the current risk issues associated with the R&D Tax Incentive (Incentive) as presented by AusIndustry and…

Handling the risks in claiming the R&D Tax Incentive

As the dust cloud that was the recent Federal Election settles, we welcome Greg Hunt and Craig Laundy to the…

Do You Know the Difference? Govt. Grants vs the R&D Tax Incentive

There are roughly 700 business grants offered by the three tiers of government in Australia. Do you know which ones…

Claiming the R&D Tax Incentive? Why a success fee may not be a good idea.

There are two basic models for outsourcing tax claims - and one of them is not what it seems. The…

Have you developed any new or improved products or processes in your business? Did you know you can claim up to 45% of your costs back?

When I meet people who run their own business, I am often struck by the ingenuity, enterprising spirit and pride…

Are increased costs limiting your business innovation? Your cash back entitlements can help.

How can a manufacturing business in Australia hope to grow its market share when competing against cheaper labour and materials…

Why Do You Need a Research & Development Tax Specialist?

Using the R&D Tax Incentive to its best advantage requires specialist knowledge. To unlock the benefit to your business, having…

The R&D Tax Incentive and software development. Do they go together?

Are you an innovator writing new and improved software? There is an odd perception, held by many in business, that…

Are you missing out? Government tax incentives It’s your money

When I meet business owners and explain there is a ready source of government funding to help grow their business,…

How do I grow my manufacturing business in a declining market?

Australian manufacturing is having a rough ride at the moment. It seems no one has a positive take on the…

Is your business eligible for cashback from the government?

In Australia, we have a generous tax-based incentive scheme for companies engaged in research and development (R&D). The scheme is only…

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