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R&D Tax Incentive – What’s In This Year’s Easter Basket?
After this morning's excitement in Canberra, it is probably fair to assume it will be back to business as usual. And on the first day of the Senate, our old friend, the Tax Laws Amendment (Research and...
Targeting Access Bill Passed in Senate
Late yesterday the Senate passed the Tax Laws Amendment (Research and Development) Bill 2013, with a PUP amendment giving effect to a reduced tax offset for expenditure in excess of $100 million, to be...
A (Reasonably) Festive MJA Update
Before we all head off to enjoy the holiday season with our families, the least we thought we could do was leave you with some stocking stuffers around the state-of-play with the R&D Tax Incentive. No...
Welcome to the first of our regular MJA Updates
Welcome to the first of our regular MJA Updates. We aim to bring you a fresh article or perspective on the R&D tax concession, across the areas of government policy, legislation, compliance and...
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