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Innovation and the Federal Budget of “restraint”
Last night’s Federal Budget was characterised by the new Treasurer as one of “restraint”. And this appears to have applied to the R&D Tax Incentive – leaving the program untouched. Included in the Budget...
New AusIndustry Guidance on Software R&D – A Year Well Spent?
The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources recently released its latest guidance product, ‘Software-related activities and the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive’. The guidance...
The First Draft Determination on Board powers to determine R&D eligibility has been released and it is good news for the R&D Tax Incentive
As part of the largest overhaul of the R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI) since its introduction in 2011, the Industry Innovation and Science Australia Board (the Board) was recently given the ability to provide...
The RDTI: Just Like The Other Thing, Let’s All Be In This Together
The unsurprising release of three ATO R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI) guidance products just three working days from Christmas means that eyebrows won’t be raised, nor eyes rolled. It just feels too much like...
Significant Grant Funding Announced For A Range Of Australian Manufacturers
The Federal Government has confirmed a second round of grant funding through its Modern Manufacturing Initiative, with applications opening this week. The announcement was contained in a statement from...
The R&D Tax Incentive: Still To Cement A Legacy
Earlier this month, the Australian Government published an article on its business.gov.au website celebrating 10 years of the R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI), lauding the fact that more than 30,000 companies...
The R&D Tax Incentive – Welcome To The Second Chance Saloon
In one of those 'blink and you missed it' moments, the R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI) turned 10 years old earlier this week. This MJA Update has chronicled the tumultuous times associated with the program...
Newsflash! Software R&D Claims Are OK According To Government Guidance A Good News Story
If you have followed the R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI) in the past five years, you will not have been able to avoid the controversy surrounding the eligibility of software R&D. The issue has been as...
The R&D Tax Incentive and Software Development: A better fit than the alternatives.
Since the announcement in the October 2020 Budget that the R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI) cuts were not going through, the attention has turned to the thorny issue of the eligibility of software R&D. Many...
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