Dec 21, 2016 1 minute read

Sometimes it’s just good to go with the classics

by Kris Gale

Recently, we had the pleasure of listening to two podcasts from the American program, Freakonomics, entitled “In Praise Of Maintenance” and “In Praise Of Incrementalism”.  Each show was highlighting the virtues of callings that are often seen as the poor cousins of innovation. The programs felt timely and humbling. We can’t all be disruptive all of the time.

So while we look forward to tackling the challenges of the Australian innovation economy in general, and the outcomes of the Review of the R&D Tax Incentive in particular, with renewed vigour in 2017, we thought we would take time out from the usual rough and tumble of the MJA Update to offer a wish to our readers that has a more classic feel.

Have a Merry Christmas and a more than prosperous New Year!

From all at MJA

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